[ENF] The Embarrassing Vacation
Part 1 -- Prologue -- The office competition My name is Linda. I graduated from University a year ago and started working in an office in a big city in California. I really liked my job and the people I worked with. My team consisted of 12 people and all of us were in our twenties, so it was a great working environment with lots of banter and joking around. It was the final day of June, and the day when the results of a little competition we'd had in the office that month were announced. We'd been basically competing in who can get the most business for the company and the winner was to get an extra week of vacation. This was quite a great reward since everyone in the office loved travelling. We even had a special wall, where people put photos from their travels. There was a great photo of John sitting on the edge of the Great Wall of China, a photo of Olivia at Oktoberfest in Germany, dressed in traditional Bavarian clothing, a funny photo of Macy feeding small monkeys in In...